Wednesday, June 07, 2006

2004 Blends

I just finished doing the 2004 red wine blends and I am very happy. This not an one day exercise, but a task that stretches over weeks with decisions you have to sleep over.

Blending is a bit like alchemy because when you do the blends the results are often not what you expected. One plus one equals three in many cases so trial and error can be a very rewarding journey.

For the 2004 vintage we only have 100 cases of Cabernet Franc. This is because we had a very small crop in 2004 and most of this gorgeous wine has to go to the Trilogy. Cabernet Franc is a wonderful component to have and we are very fortunate to have ane of the best vineyards in the country on our farm. The block is known as The Far Side because of its location. The block is very consistent in quality and gives us an edge when blending.

The 2004 Trilogy is one of the best to date and I think it will sell out even quicker than the previous vintage.

The Three Cape Ladies is also a step up and proof that all our efforts in the vineyard are finally paying off. This year their long lost cousin Shiraz joins the Three Cape Ladies. Our once off Shiraz that became a cult wine in the US has finally found a home in this blend and helps the other ladies to hold the flag.